1. General

The visitors or users of markellos-olive.gr (web pages and web services) has to read carefully and accept the terms and conditions which are described below. In case that he does not agree with one or more of the bellow terms and conditions, then he mustn’t use this web site and its services.

Our e-shop has developed in order to provide quality products and services to our visitors and customers.

When you are ready to confirm your order, we will ask you to fill out your personal information (name, address, phone number, email, etc.) so as we can provide you high quality services, inform you about our products and to deliver your order avoiding any mistake which may occurs.

At https://markellos-olive.gr/  we face with responsibility your personal data protection. We strongly believe that personal data collection and processing must be taking place only when it is absolutely necessary. https://markellos-olive.gr/ has developed according to the European law for personal data protection (law 679/2016 ΕΕ – GDPR)

Our company, respect and follow the relevant laws and conventions about personal data protection. We inform you that we will not proceed in any unfair use of your personal data without having inform you first.

We will use your personal data, exclusively, to inform you about your order, to present you our products and services and for any form of communication between you and our company.

Authorized employees of our company (exclusively) will have access to your personal data and they will use them according the reasons described above. For no reason your personal data will not be revealed, published, sold or exchanged. The only occasion that your personal data will be notified is in the extremely rare situation according to which judicial or other public authorities will impose it (law 2472/1997). According to this law, our company has all the necessary prerequisites and safety measures to keep safe its customers personal data.

In case that some of your personal data change, it is your responsibility to inform the employees of our company, so as we can serve you and deliver your order avoiding any mistake that may occurs.

The responsibility of using our web-site and web- services is yours.

2. Rights of the data subject

For the protection of our users / customers

Right of Access and Information: you have the right to be informed about your personal data that we have collected, the reasons why we collected them and the time that we will have them in our data base.

Right of correction: in case that you made any mistake during filling your personal data or you want to add/ change any information you can inform us by sending us an email at info@markellos-olive.gr or calling us on +302741033328

Right to Restrict and oppose processing: you have the right to ask us to restrict or exclude the process of your personal data

Right of transferring your data: you have the right to ask us to transfer your personal data to another company or organization

Right to delete your personal data: at the end, you have the right to ask us, by sending us an email at info@markellos-olive.gr, to delete your personal data from our database. You can also control and delete your data by using the GDPR tools

3. When you accept our term and condition you agree with the following:

We cannot guarantee the continuing or without mistakes operation of our e-shop.

–The https://markellos-olive.gr/  does not have any responsibility about the content of any web sites that refers to it.

The https://markellos-olive.gr/ check continuously all the information provided by it, according to laws. However, human mistakes, malfunctions of the network or of company’s computer system that may affect information (products prices, products information, products availability etc.) that provided by it, could not be excluded. We advise our users/customers, if they observe any false information, for example unusually very high or low price of a product, they have to inform our customer service on +302741033328 or at info@markellos-olive.gr before making their purchases.

In case the products information such as prices, characteristics etc., are not in line with company’s price and product list, the https://markellos-olive.gr/ has the right not to proceeds in orders, even if they are confirmed

The https://markellos-olive.gr/ has to deliver an order to the consumer from 1 to 5 days, unless there is another delivery day that has agreed.

–In case that the products prices that you have chosen in your order changed, we will take under consideration the prices that we had during your order. Any increase or decrease in prices, will not change the price of your pending order.

4. Moreover, by accepting our terms and conditions you agree with the following:

–Your personal data and information that you provide to our company are completely true and updated.
–You are adult and you take the responsibility to confirm orders containing products that are appropriate for adults only.
–Delivering time is determined by products availability. We are trying to deliver your order as soon as possible. We apologize in advance if we delay to deliver an order for any reason.

–The https://markellos-olive.gr/  has no responsibility about temporary or permanent inability of providing services, delay in orders acceptance or delay in delivering of confirmed order for reasons of force majeure such as: pandemic, extreme weather condition, natural disasters, strikes, fire, malfunctions of Courier Company, accidental deterioration or destruction of products before delivery to the user and after being shipped, illegal interventions by the counterparty or a third party, malfunction of the Internet Payment Processing Provider (Bank) or the Host Provider or the ISP or the Access Provider or the user’s terminal equipment, incorrect provision of data by the user and in general for any incident that prevents the smooth fulfillment of its contractual obligations. Our Company’s liability is limited to its obligations under the contract with the consumer and it will make every effort to meet them within a reasonable period of time.

– In case that any differences will arise between customers or customers with third parties which may be due to our web site’s content, we will provided all the necessary information to judicial or other public authorities according to the laws.

– It is expressly agreed that the above terms are governed by Greek law, the decisions of the institutionalized bodies of the State applicable to electronic transactions as well as the relevant provisions in force at the time.

The above terms and conditions are governed from the Greek law. If a user (or customer) use our web site and e-shop from another country, he/she has the responsibility to comply with the Greek Law.

In case that any difference that may arise between https://markellos-olive.gr/ and the terms and condition that presented from our company, the courts of Corinth are competent

In case that the customer is charged (from our company) with amount of money which was not in his/her order, our company has the responsibility to return this amount to him/her.

–In case that you do not want to receive emails with our new, products presentations and offers, you can unsubscribe from our list or send us an email at info@markellos-olive.gr with subject ‘unsubscribe from your list’ and you full name as a comment.

–The https://markellos-olive.gr/ has the right to change the terms and conditions that are described above without previous warning, according to its willing. The new terms and conditions are implemented from the time that these are uploaded I this web site